What were the first 10 apps you installed on your iPad or iPhone?
A Dutch technology podcast I enjoy listening to, De Appels en Peren Show, mentioned in one of their episodes that it's possible to see the first apps you ever downloaded on your iPhone or iPad in the App Store.
If you go to the App Store, tap on your profile in the upper right corner and tap on Purchased, you can see all your purchases and downloads back to the first day you got an iOS device.
For me it was on 23 July 2010, and these are the first ten apps I downloaded:
- Nu.nl – A Dutch online newspaper that I still use on my iPad today.
- Flipboard – Provided a novel way of reading articles and blogs made specifically for the iPad. I now use Feedly instead.
- Wired – I stopped reading Wired after I realised that they really don't know what they're talking about.
- Dropbox – Yep, still using it.
- Google Earth – Removed it as just using Google Maps is fine.
- Evernote – Stopped using Evernote as Apple Notes work fine too.
- Read It Later – renamed to Pocket, and yes, I still use Pocket.
- Epicurious – Was nice to get recipes, but nowadays it's easier to just google a new recipe.
- NYTimes – Don't think I used this for long.
- Kindle – Yep, still using it.
So, still using four out of the first ten apps I ever downloaded. Not bad.
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