Using Streaks for blogging reminders

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I'm taking a break from my USB host shield on Espruino series, as my hack week ended and I now have to find time in the evenings and weekends to continue working on it.

I've been blogging every day for more than 5 weeks now, so I wanted to receive an automatic reminder if I haven't posted anything by 20:30 in the evening. I while back I was using the app Streaks to keep track of daily habits, so I decided to reinstall it on my phone to use for this purpose.

I took inspiration from Federico Viticci's[1] post on exercise, mindfulness and gratitude where he mentions using Streaks to start using it again. I've got four habits on Streaks at the moment:

  1. He's the guy behind MacStories. ↩︎

  2. life insurance and health insurance ↩︎

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