USB host shield on Espruino: Part 7
Today I want look at analysing what exactly is happening on the USB bus when we send and receive messages, to make sure that what I think is happening is actually happening. On a Windows or Linux machine this can be done with Wireshark. I think it may also be possible on macOS since the High Sierra release. However, we're working with a USB host controller chip, so Wireshark is a no-go.
There are professional-grade USB analysers from Total Phase that start at around \$475 (for USB 2.0 full-speed 12MBps) all the way up to \$6000 (for USB 3.0 5Gbps). While we should be able to use the 12Mbps analyser, I wanted to see if it's possible to use a little $10 logic analyser to analyse USB traffic:
This little $10 logic analyzer arrived on Friday and I am looking forward on using it with the awesome open-source @sigrokproject software. It would be great if I can get it to sniff some low-speed USB traffic.
— Gerrit Niezen (@gendor) October 2, 2017
That was almost ten months go, and since I'm still struggling to figure out why I'm not getting any results back from the meter, I decided to give it a try. This 8-channel 24MHz logic analyser was only £13.44 (including P&P). It comes with a set of test hook clips, which I was able to connect to the USB port surprisingly easy:
The pins at the back of the USB connector has just enough space so that you can attach the hook clips. The USB connector pinout is +5V, D-, D+ and GND, so I had another look at the schematic on the Sparkfun website. It showed that D+ and D- are connected to resistors, while +5V is connected to an overcurrent protection device. Based on this I could identify which side was +5V and connected the hook clips. I connected D- to channel 0 on the logic analyser and D+ to channel 1, and GND to ground. I also connected D2 to CH2 to use as a trigger:
Now it was time to install the sigrok PulseView software. I chose “fx2lafw” as the driver for my analyser, and when it successfully connected, defined the three channels for D-, D+ and the trigger. I selected the maximum available frequency (24 MHz) and 1 G samples, which should allow for 42 seconds of sample time. I then added the USB signalling decoder with USB packet and USB request decoding, and specified the appropriate signals and full-speed signalling:
I also added digitalWrite(D2, 1)
in my code where I wanted the trigger to occur. I started up the Espruino code and clicked on Run:
I was successfully sniffing USB packets between the TUSB3410 chip in the cable and my USB host controller chip! After verifying that most of the packets I was sending were actually appearing on the bus, I noticed that my bulk out transfers were missing:
Above you can hopefully make out the setup packet 40 05 00 00 03 00 0A 00
, which should be followed by some data. Instead it is followed by the “close” packet 40 07 00 00 03 00 00 00
. So maybe that is where I should start looking as to why things aren't working!
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