Making chocolate mousse from aquafaba

I've known for a while that the water in a can of chickpeas, also called aquafaba or chickpea brine, can be used as an alternative to egg whites, but never actually tried it. Today I was making some hummus, and saved the chickpea water to attempt to make a chocolate mousse recipe I found online.

The only thing I'm regretting is that I haven't tried this sooner. It only requires three ingredients:

If you put aquafaba (120mL, the amount in a can of chickpeas) in a bowl and refrigerate it for 10 minutes, it takes less than 10 minutes (depending on the quality of the aquafaba) to whip it up with an electric mixer that it forms stiff peaks. Then you add 100g melted (and cooled down) chocolate chips while still mixing, a tablespoon or two of cocoa powder and continue mixing until everything's combined. Spoon it into glass cups, put it in the fridge for 30 minutes and you've got a delicious chocolate mousse (that doesn't taste like chickpeas at all!).

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